## ----biocstyle, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"-------------------------------- BiocStyle::markdown() knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ## ----init, results = "hide", echo = FALSE------------------------------------- ## Silently loading all packages library(BiocStyle) library(xcms) library(MsFeatures) register(SerialParam()) ## ----load-data---------------------------------------------------------------- library(xcms) library(faahKO) library(MsFeatures) xmse <- loadXcmsData("xmse") ## ----fdev--------------------------------------------------------------------- featureDefinitions(xmse) |> head() ## ----filled-not-filled-------------------------------------------------------- head(featureValues(xmse, filled = FALSE)) head(featureValues(xmse, filled = TRUE)) ## ----feature-rt-mz-plot, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Plot of retention times and m/z for all features in the data set."---- plot(featureDefinitions(xmse)$rtmed, featureDefinitions(xmse)$mzmed, xlab = "retention time", ylab = "m/z", main = "features", col = "#00000080", pch = 21, bg = "#00000040") grid() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- xmse <- groupFeatures(xmse, param = SimilarRtimeParam(10)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- table(featureGroups(xmse)) ## ----feature-groups-rtime-plot, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Feature groups defined with a rt window of 10 seconds"---- plotFeatureGroups(xmse, pch = 21, lwd = 2, col = "#00000040", bg = "#00000020") grid() ## ----repeat------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Remove previous feature grouping results to repeat the rtime-based ## feature grouping with different setting featureDefinitions(xmse)$feature_group <- NULL ## Repeat the grouping xmse <- groupFeatures(xmse, SimilarRtimeParam(20)) table(featureGroups(xmse)) ## ----feature-groups-rtime-plot2, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Feature groups defined with a rt window of 20 seconds"---- plotFeatureGroups(xmse, pch = 21, lwd = 2, col = "#00000040", bg = "#00000020") grid() ## ----abundance-correlation-heatmap, fig.cap = "Correlation of features based on feature abundances.", fig.width = 6, fig.height = 16---- library(pheatmap) fvals <- log2(featureValues(xmse, filled = TRUE)) cormat <- cor(t(fvals), use = "pairwise.complete.obs") ann <- data.frame(fgroup = featureGroups(xmse)) rownames(ann) <- rownames(cormat) res <- pheatmap(cormat, annotation_row = ann, cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_cols = TRUE) ## ----abundance-correlation---------------------------------------------------- xmse <- groupFeatures( xmse, AbundanceSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.7, transform = log2), filled = TRUE) table(featureGroups(xmse)) ## ----abundance-correlation-fg040, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8, fig.cap = "Pairwise correlation plot for all features initially grouped into the feature group FG.040."---- cor_plot <- function(x, y) { C <- cor(x, y, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") col <- ifelse(C >= 0.7, yes = "#0000ff80", no = "#ff000080") points(x, y, pch = 16, col = col) grid() } fts <- grep("FG.040", featureGroups(xmse)) pairs(t(fvals[fts, ]), gap = 0.1, main = "FG.040", panel = cor_plot) ## ----correlate-eic, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE-------------------------- xmse <- groupFeatures(xmse, EicSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.7, n = 2)) ## ----correlate-eic-result----------------------------------------------------- table(featureGroups(xmse)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fidx <- grep("FG.013.001.", featureGroups(xmse)) eics <- featureChromatograms( xmse, features = rownames(featureDefinitions(xmse))[fidx], filled = TRUE, n = 1) ## ----example-1-eic, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Feature EICs per sample for features from a feature group defined by rentention time and feature abudances across samples. Features with high correlation of their EICs are shown in the same color."---- cols <- c("#ff000080", "#0000ff80") names(cols) <- unique(featureGroups(xmse)[fidx]) plotChromatogramsOverlay(eics, col = cols[featureGroups(xmse)[fidx]], lwd = 2, peakType = "none") ## ----example-1-eic-norm, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Feature EICs per sample normalized to an absolute intensity of 1 for features from a feature group defined by rentention time and feature abudances across samples. Features with high correlation of their EICs are shown in the same color."---- plotChromatogramsOverlay(normalize(eics), col = cols[featureGroups(xmse)[fidx]], lwd = 2, peakType = "none") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fidx <- grep("FG.045.001.", featureGroups(xmse)) eics <- featureChromatograms( xmse, features = rownames(featureDefinitions(xmse))[fidx], filled = TRUE, n = 1) ## ----example-2-eic, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Feature EICs per sample for features from a feature group defined by rentention time and feature abudances across samples. Features with high correlation of their EICs are shown in the same color."---- cols <- c("#ff000080", "#0000ff80") names(cols) <- unique(featureGroups(xmse)[fidx]) plotChromatogramsOverlay(eics, col = cols[featureGroups(xmse)[fidx]], lwd = 2, peakType = "none") ## ----example-2-eic-norm, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Feature EICs per sample normalized to an absolute intensity of 1 for features from a feature group defined by rentention time and feature abudances across samples. Features with high correlation of their EICs are shown in the same color."---- plotChromatogramsOverlay(normalize(eics), col = cols[featureGroups(xmse)[fidx]], lwd = 2, peakType = "none") ## ----reset-feature-groups----------------------------------------------------- featureDefinitions(xmse)$feature_group <- NA_character_ set.seed(123) fts_idx <- sample(1:nrow(featureDefinitions(xmse)), 30) featureDefinitions(xmse)$feature_group[fts_idx] <- "FG" ## ----rtime-grouping----------------------------------------------------------- xmse <- groupFeatures(xmse, SimilarRtimeParam(diffRt = 20)) xmse <- groupFeatures(xmse, AbundanceSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.7)) table(featureGroups(xmse)) ## ----sessionInfo-------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()