## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, error = FALSE, tidy = FALSE, dev = c("png"), cache = TRUE ) ## ----install, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ # if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { # install.packages("BiocManager") # } # # # Select release #1 or #2 # # # 1) Bioconductor release # BiocManager::install("dreamlet") # # # 2) Latest stable release # devtools::install_github("DiseaseNeurogenomics/dreamlet") ## ----preprocess.data---------------------------------------------------------- library(dreamlet) library(muscat) library(ExperimentHub) library(zenith) library(scater) # Download data, specifying EH2259 for the Kang, et al study eh <- ExperimentHub() sce <- eh[["EH2259"]] # only keep singlet cells with sufficient reads sce <- sce[rowSums2(counts(sce) > 0) > 0, ] sce <- sce[, colData(sce)$multiplets == "singlet"] # compute QC metrics qc <- perCellQCMetrics(sce) # remove cells with few or many detected genes ol <- isOutlier(metric = qc$detected, nmads = 2, log = TRUE) sce <- sce[, !ol] # set variable indicating stimulated (stim) or control (ctrl) sce$StimStatus <- sce$stim ## ----aggregate---------------------------------------------------------------- # Since 'ind' is the individual and 'StimStatus' is the stimulus status, # create unique identifier for each sample sce$id <- paste0(sce$StimStatus, sce$ind) # Create pseudobulk data by specifying cluster_id and sample_id # Count data for each cell type is then stored in the `assay` field # assay: entry in assayNames(sce) storing raw counts # cluster_id: variable in colData(sce) indicating cell clusters # sample_id: variable in colData(sce) indicating sample id for aggregating cells pb <- aggregateToPseudoBulk(sce, assay = "counts", cluster_id = "cell", sample_id = "id", verbose = FALSE ) # one 'assay' per cell type assayNames(pb) ## ----dreamlet, fig.width=8, fig.height=8-------------------------------------- # Normalize and apply voom/voomWithDreamWeights res.proc <- processAssays(pb, ~StimStatus, min.count = 5) # the resulting object of class dreamletProcessedData stores # normalized data and other information res.proc ## ----details------------------------------------------------------------------ # view details of dropping samples details(res.proc) ## ----voom.plots, fig.height=7------------------------------------------------- # show voom plot for each cell clusters plotVoom(res.proc) # Show plots for subset of cell clusters # plotVoom( res.proc[1:3] ) # Show plots for one cell cluster # plotVoom( res.proc[["B cells"]]) ## ----vp----------------------------------------------------------------------- # run variance partitioning analysis vp.lst <- fitVarPart(res.proc, ~StimStatus) ## ----vp.barplt, fig.height=3-------------------------------------------------- # Show variance fractions at the gene-level for each cell type genes <- vp.lst$gene[2:4] plotPercentBars(vp.lst[vp.lst$gene %in% genes, ]) ## ----vp.violin, fig.height=7-------------------------------------------------- # Summarize variance fractions genome-wide for each cell type plotVarPart(vp.lst, label.angle = 60) ## ----test--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Differential expression analysis within each assay, # evaluated on the voom normalized data res.dl <- dreamlet(res.proc, ~StimStatus) # names of estimated coefficients coefNames(res.dl) # the resulting object of class dreamletResult # stores results and other information res.dl ## ----plotVolcano, fig.width=8, fig.height=8----------------------------------- plotVolcano(res.dl, coef = "StimStatusstim") ## ----plotGeneHeatmap, fig.height=3-------------------------------------------- genes <- c("ISG20", "ISG15") plotGeneHeatmap(res.dl, coef = "StimStatusstim", genes = genes) ## ----extract------------------------------------------------------------------ # results from full analysis topTable(res.dl, coef = "StimStatusstim") # only B cells topTable(res.dl[["B cells"]], coef = "StimStatusstim") ## ----forrest------------------------------------------------------------------ plotForest(res.dl, coef = "StimStatusstim", gene = "ISG20") ## ----boxplot------------------------------------------------------------------ # get data df <- extractData(res.proc, "CD14+ Monocytes", genes = "ISG20") # set theme thm <- theme_classic() + theme(aspect.ratio = 1, plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) # make plot ggplot(df, aes(StimStatus, ISG20)) + geom_boxplot() + thm + ylab(bquote(Expression ~ (log[2] ~ CPM))) + ggtitle("ISG20") ## ----dreamlet.contrasts------------------------------------------------------- # create a contrasts called 'Diff' that is the difference between expression # in the stimulated and controls. # More than one can be specified contrasts <- c(Diff = "StimStatusstim - StimStatusctrl") # Evalaute the regression model without an intercept term. # Instead estimate the mean expression in stimulated, controls and then # set Diff to the difference between the two res.dl2 <- dreamlet(res.proc, ~ 0 + StimStatus, contrasts = contrasts) # see estimated coefficients coefNames(res.dl2) # Volcano plot of Diff plotVolcano(res.dl2[1:2], coef = "Diff") ## ----zenith------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load Gene Ontology database # use gene 'SYMBOL', or 'ENSEMBL' id # use get_MSigDB() to load MSigDB # Use Cellular Component (i.e. CC) to reduce run time here go.gs <- get_GeneOntology("CC", to = "SYMBOL") # Run zenith gene set analysis on result of dreamlet res_zenith <- zenith_gsa(res.dl, coef = "StimStatusstim", go.gs) # examine results for each ell type and gene set head(res_zenith) ## ----heatmap, fig.height=10, fig.width=8-------------------------------------- # for each cell type select 5 genesets with largest t-statistic # and 1 geneset with the lowest # Grey boxes indicate the gene set could not be evaluted because # to few genes were represented plotZenithResults(res_zenith, 5, 1) ## ----heatmap2, fig.height=10, fig.width=8------------------------------------- # get genesets with FDR < 30% # Few significant genesets because uses Cellular Component (i.e. CC) gs <- unique(res_zenith$Geneset[res_zenith$FDR < 0.3]) # keep only results of these genesets df <- res_zenith[res_zenith$Geneset %in% gs, ] # plot results, but with no limit based on the highest/lowest t-statistic plotZenithResults(df, Inf, Inf) ## ----dreamletCompareClusters-------------------------------------------------- # test differential expression between B cells and the rest of the cell clusters ct.pairs <- c("CD4 T cells", "rest") fit <- dreamletCompareClusters(pb, ct.pairs, method = "fixed") # The coefficient 'compare' is the value logFC between test and baseline: # compare = cellClustertest - cellClusterbaseline df_Bcell <- topTable(fit, coef = "compare") head(df_Bcell) ## ----cellTypeSpecificity------------------------------------------------------ df_cts <- cellTypeSpecificity(pb) # retain only genes with total CPM summed across cell type > 100 df_cts <- df_cts[df_cts$totalCPM > 100, ] # Violin plot of specificity score for each cell type plotViolin(df_cts) ## ----plotPercentBars---------------------------------------------------------- genes <- rownames(df_cts)[apply(df_cts, 2, which.max)] plotPercentBars(df_cts, genes = genes) dreamlet::plotHeatmap(df_cts, genes = genes) ## ----session, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()