## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----bioc, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager")) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("CNVgears") ## ----bioc dev, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # # The following initializes usage of Bioc devel # BiocManager::install(version='devel') # # BiocManager::install("CNVgears") ## ----install git hub, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # # not run # devtools::install_github("SinomeM/CNVgears") ## ----library------------------------------------------------------------------ library(CNVgears, quietly = TRUE) ## ----message=TRUE, warning=TRUE----------------------------------------------- data.table::setDTthreads(percent=75) data.table::setDTthreads(4) ## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ data.table::setDTthreads(2) ## ----PED PFB------------------------------------------------------------------ # cohort data cohort <- read_metadt(DT_path = system.file("extdata", "cohort.ped", package = "CNVgears"), sample_ID_col = "Individual ID", fam_ID_col = "Family ID", sex_col = "Gender", role_col = "Role") head(cohort) # markers location SNP_markers <- read_finalreport_snps(system.file("extdata", "SNP.pfb", package = "CNVgears"), mark_ID_col = "Name", chr_col = "Chr", pos_col = "Position") head(SNP_markers) ## ----results + raw, message=TRUE, warning=TRUE-------------------------------- # CNV calling results penn <- read_results(DT_path = system.file("extdata", "chrs_14_22_cnvs_penn.txt", package = "CNVgears"), res_type = "file", DT_type = "TSV/CSV", chr_col = "chr", start_col = "posStart", end_col = "posEnd", CN_col = "CN", samp_ID_col = "Sample_ID", sample_list = cohort, markers = SNP_markers, method_ID = "P") head(penn) quanti <- read_results(DT_path = system.file("extdata", "chrs_14_22_cnvs_quanti.txt", package = "CNVgears"), res_type = "file", DT_type = "TSV/CSV", chr_col = "chr", start_col = "posStart", end_col = "posEnd", CN_col = "CN", samp_ID_col = "Sample_ID", sample_list = cohort, markers = SNP_markers, method_ID = "Q") ipn <- read_results(DT_path = system.file("extdata", "chrs_14_22_cnvs_ipn.txt", package = "CNVgears"), res_type = "file", DT_type = "TSV/CSV", chr_col = "chr", start_col = "posStart", end_col = "posEnd", CN_col = "CN", samp_ID_col = "Sample_ID", sample_list = cohort, markers = SNP_markers, method_ID = "I") ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # raw data # # not run. This step needs the additional data # library("data.table", quietly = TRUE) # setDTthreads(4) # # read_finalreport_raw(DT_path = "PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_DATA_DIRECTORY", # pref = NA, suff = ".txt", # rds_path = file.path("tmp_RDS"), # markers = SNP_markers, # sample_list = cohort[fam_ID == "1463", ]) ## ----eval= FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## not run # library(cn.mops) # data(cn.mops) # resCNMOPS <- cn.mops(XRanges) # resCNMOPS <- calcIntegerCopyNumbers(resCNMOPS) # resCNMOPS_cnvs <- cnvs(resCNMOPS) # # sample_list <- read_metadt("path/to/PED_like_file") # intervals <- read_NGS_intervals("path/to/markers/file") # cnmops_calls <- cnmops_to_CNVresults(resCNMOPS_cnvs, sample_list, intervals) ## ----summary stats------------------------------------------------------------ sstatPenn <- summary(object = penn, sample_list = cohort, markers = SNP_markers) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # not run # sstatPenn <- summary(object = penn, sample_list = cohort, # markers = SNP_markers, # plots_path = file.path("tmp","sstatPenn")) # plots are saved ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- head(sstatPenn) ## ----filtering---------------------------------------------------------------- penn_filtered <- cleaning_filter(results = penn, min_len = 10000, min_NP = 10) quanti_filtered <- cleaning_filter(quanti) ipn_filtered <- cleaning_filter(ipn) ## ----blacklists--------------------------------------------------------------- hg19telom <- telom_centrom(hg19_start_end_centromeres, centrom = FALSE) hg19centrom <- telom_centrom(hg19_start_end_centromeres, telom = FALSE, region = 25000) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ensembl37 <- biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", # host = "grch37.ensembl.org", # dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") # hg19_immuno <- immuno_regions(n_genes = 10, mart = ensembl37) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- head(hg19telom) ## ----inheritance, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # not run, needs the additional raw data # penn_inheritance <- # cnvs_inheritance(results = penn_filtered, sample_list = cohort[fam_ID == "1463", ], # markers = SNP_markers, raw_path = file.path("tmp_RDS")) # quanti_inheritance <- # cnvs_inheritance(results = quanti_filtered, sample_list = cohort[fam_ID == "1463", ], # markers = SNP_markers, raw_path = file.path("tmp_RDS")) # ipn_inheritance <- # cnvs_inheritance(results = ipn_filtered, sample_list = cohort[fam_ID == "1463", ], # markers = SNP_markers, raw_path = file.path("tmp_RDS")) # # penn_denovo <- penn_inheritance[inheritance == "denovo", ] # quanti_denovo <- quanti_inheritance[inheritance == "denovo", ] # ipn_denovo <- ipn_inheritance[inheritance == "denovo", ] ## ----inter merge, results="hide"---------------------------------------------- ipq_filtered <- inter_res_merge(res_list = list(penn_filtered, quanti_filtered, ipn_filtered), sample_list = cohort, chr_arms = hg19_chr_arms) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # not run, it needs inheritance detection step # ipq_denovo <- # inter_res_merge(res_list = list(penn_denovo, quanti_denovo, ipn_denovo), # sample_list = cohort, chr_arms = hg19_chr_arms) ## ----cnvrs, results="hide"---------------------------------------------------- cnvrs_chr22 <- cnvrs_create(cnvs = ipq_filtered[chr == 22,], chr_arms = hg19_chr_arms) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # define common CNVR as the one present in > 5% of the cohort # here the cohort is very small so it won't be a significative result common_cnvrs_chr22 <- cnvrs_chr22[[1]][freq > nrow(cohort)*0.5, ] rare_cvns_chr22 <- cnvrs_chr22[[2]][!cnvr %in% common_cnvrs_chr22$r_ID, ] ## ----denovo plot, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # # not run, it needs inheritance detection step # lrr_trio_plot(cnv = ipq_denovo[1], raw_path = file.path("tmp_RDS"), # sample_list = cohort, results = ipn_filtered) # lrr_trio_plot(cnv = ipq_denovo[2], raw_path = file.path("tmp_RDS"), # sample_list = cohort, results = ipn_filtered) # lrr_trio_plot(cnv = ipq_denovo[3], raw_path = file.path("tmp_RDS"), # sample_list = cohort, results = ipn_filtered) ## ----annotation, echo=c(-2,-4), eval = FALSE---------------------------------- # # locus # ipq_denovo_locus <- genomic_locus(DT_in = ipq_filtered, keep_str_end = FALSE) # # # genes # ensembl37 <- biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", # host = "grch37.ensembl.org", # dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") # # ipq_denovo_genes <- genic_load(DT_in = ipq_filtered, mart = ensembl37) # # rm(ensembl37) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ## not run # # # Select a subset of columns using DT[, .(col1,col2,coln)] # tmp <- ipq_filtered[, .(sample_ID, chr, start, end, GT, meth_ID)] # head(tmp, 3) # # # Select a subset of rows (i.e. filter) using DT[condition, ] # tmp <- ipq_filtered[n_meth > 1, .(sample_ID, chr, start, end, GT, meth_ID)] # head(tmp, 3) # # # Export object as a TSV # fwrite(tmp, "example.tsv", sep = "\t") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp <- ipq_filtered[, .(chr, start, end, paste0(sample_ID, "-", GT))] head(tmp) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ## not run # fwrite(tmp, "example.bed", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ipq_filtered_GRanges <- CNVresults_to_GRanges(ipq_filtered) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # only call with > 1 calling methods # tmp <- ipq_filtered[n_meth > 1, ] # # # de novo CNVs with a significant corrected p-value (note that the p-values are # # lost when combining more result-objects) # tmp <- penn_inheritance[adj_m_pval < 0.05 & adj_p_pval < 0.05, ]