Changes in version 0.99.7 (2023-10-07) Minor Changes - Updated readme to reflect MAE changes. - Updated citation. - Fixed bug in documentation for nipals_multiblock. Changes in version 0.99.6 (2023-09-09) Major changes - Switched primary input to nipals_multiblock() to a MultiAssayExperiment object. - nipals_multiblock() now outputs an object of the NipalsResult class. - Converted all downstream analysis functions to work with the NipalsResult class. Minor improvements and bug fixes - Added simple_mae() function to convert a list of dataframes to a MultiAssayExperiment object. - Fixed missing \value fields in man page for NipalsResult class. Changes in version 0.99.5 (2023-06-22) Major changes - Bumping version number to trigger re-build following bug in BiocCheck. Changes in version 0.99.4 (2023-06-01) Major changes - Fixed data corruption issues from v0.99.3 Changes in version 0.99.3 (2023-06-01) Major changes - Changed the eigenvalue calculation in nipals_iter() to compute the variance of the global score at each deflation step. Prior versions used an SVD method to compute the singular values of the deflated data matrix directly. - Fixed bug in projection_plot() where there was a mismatch between color labels and plotting order. - Added parameter to nipals_multiblock that specifies whether the samples are in the rows or the columns Minor improvements and bug fixes - Changed vignette styling from rmdformats to BiocStyle and added installation sections to all of the vignettes. - Removed empty helper.R - Added significantly more unit testing. - Fixed bug in projection_plot() when metadata was provided but no color_col was selected. - Renamed the associated output of col_preproc_method in nipals_multiblock. The metadata field is also now available in the output independent of whether metadata is provided in the input. - Added checks for consistency in sample names across data blocks and metadata. Changes in version 0.99.2 (2023-03-25) Major changes - Shrank the vignettes sizes (especially Vignette 2). Minor improvements and bug fixes - Restructured Vignette 2 to be more streamlined and have more explanations. - Add an additional single cell data file to the repository using piggyback. Changes in version 0.99.1 (2023-02-26) Major changes - Included support for MultiAssayExperiment in nipals_multiblock. - Improved access to existing data objects. Minor improvements and bug fixes - Made get_colors() more flexible for different color palette options. Changes in version 0.99.0 (2022-10-21) - Added single cell data to the repository using piggyback.