Changes in version 1.30.0 BUG FIXES o (v. 1.30.1) avoid non-generic arguments in tbl.src_organism, closing o src_ucsc() failed to correctly handle new 'hs1' resources (T2T genomes) for 'human' Changes in version 1.14.0 NEW FEATURES o src_organism() supports an option overwrite=FALSE to optionally over-write exisiting (cached) resources created from a previous txdb version. o src_organism() supports construction from a TxDb object. Changes in version 1.0.0 NEW FEATURES o This package provides an interface to combined _Bioconductor_ org.* (identifier) and TxDb.* (genomic coordinate) annotation resources. The interface is implemented at several levels, including low-level ‘dplyr’, org-like select(), and TxDb-like genes(), etc. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Filters use strict CamelCase convention. BUG FIXES o *IdFilter and *RankFilter are numeric (integer), rather than character.