## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- # library(vvtableau) # # # Authenticate on the Tableau Server. # tableau <- authenticate_server( # server = "https://tableau.server.com", # username = "your_username", # password = "your_password" # ) # # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # Retrieve all users from Tableau Server # all_users <- get_server_users(tableau, page_size = 300, page_number = 1) # # # Filter out inactive users # inactive_users <- all_users %>% # mutate(last_login = as.Date(last_login)) %>% # filter(!name %in% protected_users$user_id, # site_role == "Viewer") %>% # arrange(desc(last_login)) %>% # unique(by = "name") %>% # filter(last_login < (Sys.Date() - lubridate::years(1) - lubridate::months(6)) | is.na(last_login)) %>% # filter(!is.na(last_login)) %>% # select(full_name, name, last_login) # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # library(slackr) # ## Assuming you have authenticated with Slack using slackr_setup() and have access to the channel. # # slackr::slackr(channel = "#tableau-notifications", # text = "The following users have not logged in to Tableau Server for more than 1.5 years:") # # slackr::slackr_table(inactive_users, # channel = "#tableau-notifications", # quote = FALSE) #