2024-09-09 * Version 2.0.3 * Fixed issues related to spTDyn-package.Rd: predict.spT asked by CRAN team. * Also updated the CRAN new layout format in "Authors@R - DESCRIPTION" and "bibentry() - CITATION". 2022-11-22 * Version 2.0.2 * Fixed issues related to Wstrict-prototypes in C asked by CRAN team. 2020-06-03 * Version 2.0.1 * Fixed issues related to NAMESPACE asked by CRAN team. * Dropped "as.forecast.object" and exportClasses("spTD") from NAMESPACE. * Fixed a minor bug in *.C code. 2017-10-25 * Version 2.0 * Added truncated/censored (only left-sided) Gaussian approach for spatially varying and temporal dynamic models with spatial and temporal predictions.