\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article} \usepackage[a4paper, text={16cm,25cm}]{geometry} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Simulations for Robust Regression Inference in Small Samples} %\VignettePackage{robustbase} %\VignetteDepends{xtable,ggplot2,GGally,RColorBrewer,grid,reshape2} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \newcommand{\makeright}[2]{\ifx#1\left\right#2\else#1#2\fi} \newcommand{\Norm}[2][\left]{\mathcal N #1( #2 \makeright{#1}{)}} \newcommand{\norm}[1] {\| #1 \|} \newcommand{\bld}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} % shortcut for bold symbol \newcommand{\T}[1] {\texttt{#1}} \DeclareMathOperator{\wgt}{w} \DeclareMathOperator{\var}{var} \DeclareMathOperator{\diag}{diag} \DeclareMathOperator{\median}{median} \DeclareMathOperator{\mad}{mad} \DeclareMathOperator{\Erw}{\mathbf{E}} \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=plot, eps = FALSE, pdf = TRUE, strip.white=true} \SweaveOpts{width=6, height=4} \usepackage[noae]{Sweave} \begin{document} \setkeys{Gin}{width=\textwidth} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-5pt} <>= ## set options options(width=60, warn=1) # see warnings where they happen (should eliminate) ## number of workers to start if(FALSE) {## good for pkg developers options(cores= max(1, parallel::detectCores() - 2)) } else { ## CRAN allows maximum of 2: options(cores= min(2, parallel::detectCores())) } ## Number of Repetitions: N <- 1000 ## get path (= ../inst/doc/ in source pkg) robustDoc <- system.file('doc', package='robustbase') robustDta <- robustDoc ## initialize (packages, data, ...): source(file.path(robustDoc, 'simulation.init.R')) # 'xtable' ## set the amount of trimming used in calculation of average results trim <- 0.1 <>= ## load required packages for graphics stopifnot(require(ggplot2), require(GGally),# for ggpairs() which replaces ggplot2::plotmatrix() require(grid), require(reshape2)) source(file.path(robustDoc, 'graphics.functions.R')) if(getRversion() < "4.4.0") `%||%` <- function (x, orElse) if (!is.null(x)) x else orElse ## set ggplot theme theme <- theme_bw(base_size = 10) theme$legend.key.size <- unit(1, "lines")# was 0.9 in pre-v.3 ggplot2 theme$plot.margin <- unit(c(1/2, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8), "lines")# was (1/2, 0,0,0) theme_set(theme) ## old and new ggplot2: stopifnot(is.list(theme_G <- theme$panel.grid.major %||% theme$panel.grid)) ## set default sizes for lines and points update_geom_defaults("point", list(size = 4/3)) update_geom_defaults("line", list(size = 1/4)) update_geom_defaults("hline", list(size = 1/4)) update_geom_defaults("smooth", list(size = 1/4)) ## alpha value for plots with many points alpha.error <- 0.3 alpha.n <- 0.4 ## set truncation limits used by f.truncate() & g.truncate.*: trunc <- c(0.02, 0.14) trunc.plot <- c(0.0185, 0.155) f.truncate <- function(x, up = trunc.plot[2], low = trunc.plot[1]) { x[x > up] <- up x[x < low] <- low x } g.truncate.lines <- geom_hline(yintercept = trunc, color = theme$panel.border$colour) g.truncate.line <- geom_hline(yintercept = trunc[2], color = theme$panel.border$colour) g.truncate.areas <- annotate("rect", xmin=rep(-Inf,2), xmax=rep(Inf,2), ymin=c(0,Inf), ymax=trunc, fill = theme_G$colour) g.truncate.area <- annotate("rect", xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=trunc[2], ymax=Inf, fill = theme_G$colour) legend.mod <- list(`SMD.Wtau` = quote('SMD.W'~tau), `SMDM.Wtau` = quote('SMDM.W'~tau), `MM.Avar1` = quote('MM.'~Avar[1]), `MMqT` = quote('MM'~~q[T]), `MMqT.Wssc` = quote('MM'~~q[T]*'.Wssc'), `MMqE` = quote('MM'~~q[E]), `MMqE.Wssc` = quote('MM'~~q[E]*'.Wssc'), `sigma_S` = quote(hat(sigma)[S]), `sigma_D` = quote(hat(sigma)[D]), `sigma_S*qE` = quote(q[E]*hat(sigma)[S]), `sigma_S*qT` = quote(q[T]*hat(sigma)[S]), `sigma_robust` = quote(hat(sigma)[robust]), `sigma_OLS` = quote(hat(sigma)[OLS]), `t1` = quote(t[1]), `t3` = quote(t[3]), `t5` = quote(t[5]), `cskt(Inf,2)` = quote(cskt(infinity,2)) ) @% end{graphics-setup} \title{Simulations for Sharpening Wald-type Inference in Robust Regression for Small Samples} \author{Manuel Koller} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} In this vignette, we recreate the simulation study of \citet{KS2011}. This vignette is supposed to complement the results presented in the above cited reference and render its results reproducible. Another goal is to provide simulation functions, that, with small changes, could also be used for other simulation studies. Additionally, in Section~\ref{sec:maximum-asymptotic-bias}, we calculate the maximum asymptotic bias curves of the $\psi$-functions used in the simulation. \section{Setting} The simulation setting used here is similar to the one in \citet{maronna2009correcting}. We simulate $N = \Sexpr{N}$ repetitions. To repeat the simulation, we recommend using a small value of $N$ here, since for large $n$ and $p$, computing all the replicates will take days. \subsection{Methods} We compare the methods \begin{itemize} \item MM, SMD, SMDM as described in \citet{KS2011}. These methods are available in the package \T{robustbase} (\T{lmrob}). \item MM as implemented in the package \T{robust} (\T{lmRob}). This method will be denoted as \emph{MMrobust} later on. \item MM using S-scale correction by $q_{\rm T}$ and $q_{\rm E}$ as proposed by \citet{maronna2009correcting}. $q_{\rm T}$ and $q_{\rm E}$ are defined as follows. \begin{equation*} q_{\rm E} = \frac{1}{1 - (1.29 - 6.02/n)p/n}, \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} \hat q_{\rm T} = 1 + \frac{p}{2n}\frac{\hat a}{\hat b\hat c}, \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} \hat a = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \psi\left(\frac{r_i}{\hat\sigma_{\rm S}}\right)^2, \hat b = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n\psi'\left(\frac{r_i}{\hat\sigma_{\rm S}}\right),%' \hat c = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \psi\left(\frac{r_i}{\hat\sigma_{\rm S}}\right) \frac{r_i}{\hat\sigma_{\rm S}}, \end{equation*} with $\psi = \rho'$,%' $n$ the number of observations, $p$ the number of predictor variables, $\hat\sigma_{\rm S}$ is the S-scale estimate and $r_i$ is the residual of the $i$-th observation. When using $q_{\rm E}$ it is necessary to adjust the tuning constants of $\chi$ to account for the dependence of $\kappa$ on $p$. For $q_{\rm T}$ no change is required. This method is implemented as \T{lmrob.mar()} in the source file \T{estimating.functions.R}. \end{itemize} \subsection[Psi-Functions]{$\psi$-Functions} We compare \emph{bisquare}, \emph{optimal}, \emph{lqq} and \emph{Hampel} $\psi$-functions. They are illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:psi.functions}. The tuning constants used in the simulation are compiled in Table~\ref{tab:psi-functions}. Note that the \emph{Hampel} $\psi$-function is tuned to have a downward slope of $-1/3$ instead of the originally proposed $-1/2$. This was set to allow for a comparison to an even slower descending $\psi$-function. %% generate table of tuning constants used for \psi functions \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} <>= ## get list of psi functions lst <- lapply(estlist$procedures, function(x) { if (is.null(x$args)) return(list(NULL, NULL, NULL)) if (!is.null(x$args$weight)) return(list(x$args$weight[2], round(f.psi2c.chi(x$args$weight[1]),3), round(f.eff2c.psi(x$args$efficiency, x$args$weight[2]),3))) return(list(x$args$psi, round(if (is.null(x$args$tuning.chi)) lmrob.control(psi=x$args$psi)$tuning.chi else x$args$tuning.chi,3), round(if (is.null(x$args$tuning.psi)) lmrob.control(psi=x$args$psi)$tuning.psi else x$args$tuning.psi,3))) }) lst <- unique(lst) ## because of rounding, down from 21 to 5 ! lst <- lst[sapply(lst, function(x) !is.null(x[[1]]))] # 5 --> 4 ## convert to table tbl <- do.call(rbind, lst) tbl[,2:3] <- apply(tbl[,2:3], 1:2, function(x) { gsub('\\$NA\\$', '\\\\texttt{NA}', paste('$', unlist(x), collapse=', ', '$', sep='')) }) tbl[,1] <- paste('\\texttt{', tbl[,1], '}', sep='') colnames(tbl) <- paste0('\\texttt{', c('psi', 'tuning.chi', 'tuning.psi'), '}') require("xtable") # need also print() method: print(xtable(tbl), sanitize.text.function=identity, include.rownames = FALSE, floating=FALSE) @ %def \vspace{15pt} \caption{Tuning constants of $\psi$-functions used in the simulation.} \label{tab:psi-functions} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= d.x_psi <- function(x, psi) { cc <- lmrob.control(psi = psi)$tuning.psi data.frame(x=x, value=Mpsi(x, cc, psi), psi = psi) } x <- seq(0, 10, length.out = 1000) tmp <- rbind(d.x_psi(x, 'optimal'), d.x_psi(x, 'bisquare'), d.x_psi(x, 'lqq'), d.x_psi(x, 'hampel')) print( ggplot(tmp, aes(x, value, color = psi)) + geom_line(lwd=1.25) + ylab(quote(psi(x))) + scale_color_discrete(name = quote(psi ~ '-function'))) @ \end{center} \caption{$\psi$-functions used in the simulation.} \label{fig:psi.functions} \end{figure} \subsection{Designs} Two types of designs are used in the simulation: fixed and random designs. One design with $n=20$ observations, $p=1+3$ predictors and strong leverage points. This design also includes an intercept column. It is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:design-predict}. The other designs are random, i.e., regenerated for every repetition, and the models are fitted without an intercept. We use the same distribution to generate the designs as for the errors. The number of observations simulated are $n = 25, 50, 100, 400$ and the ratio to the number of parameters are $p/n = 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/3, 1/2$. We round $p$ to the nearest smaller integer if necessary. The random datasets are generated using the following code. <>= f.gen <- function(n, p, rep, err) { ## get function name and parameters lerrfun <- f.errname(err$err) lerrpar <- err$args ## generate random predictors ret <- replicate(rep, matrix(do.call(lerrfun, c(n = n*p, lerrpar)), n, p), simplify=FALSE) attr(ret[[1]], 'gen') <- f.gen ret } ratios <- c(1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/3, 1/2)## p/n lsit <- expand.grid(n = c(25, 50, 100, 400), p = ratios) lsit <- within(lsit, p <- as.integer(n*p)) .errs.normal.1 <- list(err = 'normal', args = list(mean = 0, sd = 1)) for (i in 1:NROW(lsit)) assign(paste('rand',lsit[i,1],lsit[i,2],sep='_'), f.gen(lsit[i,1], lsit[i,2], rep = 1, err = .errs.normal.1)[[1]]) @ An example design is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:example.design}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= require(GGally) colnames(rand_25_5) <- paste0("X", 1:5) # workaround new (2014-12) change in GGally ## and the 2016-11-* change needs data frames: df.r_25_5 <- as.data.frame(rand_25_5) try( ## fails with old GGally and new packageVersion("ggplot2") >= "" print(ggpairs(df.r_25_5, axisLabels="show", title = "rand_25_5: n=25, p=5")) ) @ \end{center} \caption{Example random design.} \label{fig:example.design} \end{figure} \subsection{Error Distributions} We simulate the following error distributions \begin{itemize} \item standard normal distribution, \item $t_5$, $t_3$, $t_1$, \item centered skewed t with $df = \infty, 5$ and $\gamma = 2$ (denoted by \emph{cskt$(\infty,2)$} and \emph{cskt}$(5,2)$, respectively); as introduced by \citet{fernandez1998bayesian} using the \T{R} package \T{skewt}, \item contaminated normal, $\Norm{0,1}$ contaminated with $10\%$ $\Norm{0, 10}$ (symmetric, \emph{cnorm}$(0.1,0,3.16)$) or $\Norm{4, 1}$ (asymmetric, \emph{cnorm}$(0.1,4,1)$). \end{itemize} \subsection{Covariance Matrix Estimators} For the standard MM estimator, we compare ${\rm Avar}_1$ of \citet{croux03} and the empirical weighted covariance matrix estimate corrected by Huber's small sample correction as described in \citet{HubPR09} (denoted by \emph{Wssc}). The latter is also used for the variation of the MM estimate proposed by \citet{maronna2009correcting}. For the SMD and SMDM variants we use the covariance matrix estimate as described in \citet{KS2011} (\emph{W$\tau$}). The covariance matrix estimate consists of three parts: \begin{equation*} {\rm cov}(\hat\beta) = \sigma^2\gamma\bld V_{\bld X}^{-1}. \end{equation*} The SMD and SMDM methods of \T{lmrob} use the following defaults. \begin{equation} \label{eq:gammatau} \hat\gamma = \frac{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\tau_i^2 \psi\left(\frac{r_i}{\tau_i\hat\sigma}\right)^2} {\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\psi'\left(\frac{r_i}{\tau_i\hat\sigma}\right)} \end{equation} where $\tau_i$ is the rescaling factor used for the D-scale estimate (see \citet{KS2011}). \noindent\textbf{Remark: } Equation \eqref{eq:gammatau} is a corrected version of $\gamma$. It was changed in \texttt{robustbase} version \texttt{0.91} (April 2014) to ensure that the equation reduces to $1$ in the classical case ($\psi(x) = x$). If the former (incorrect) version is needed for compatibility reasons, it can be obtained by adding the argument \texttt{cov.corrfact = "tauold"}. \begin{equation*} \bld{\widehat V}_{\bld X} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\wgt_{ii}}\bld X^T\bld W\bld X \end{equation*} where $\bld W = \diag\left(\wgt\left(\frac{r_1}{\hat\sigma}\right), \dots, \wgt\left(\frac{r_n}{\hat\sigma}\right)\right)$. The function $\wgt(r) = \psi(r)/r$ produces the robustness weights. \section{Simulation} The main loop of the simulation is fairly simple. (This code is only run if there are no aggregate results available.) %% set eval to TRUE for chunks simulation-run and simulation-aggr %% if you really want to run the simulations again. %% (better fail with an error than run for weeks) <>= aggrResultsFile <- file.path(robustDta, "aggr_results.Rdata") <>= if (!file.exists(aggrResultsFile)) { ## load packages required only for simulation stopifnot(require(robust), require(skewt), require(foreach)) if (!is.null(getOption("cores"))) { if (getOption("cores") == 1) registerDoSEQ() ## no not use parallel processing else { stopifnot(require(doParallel)) if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cores")) clusterExport(cl, c("N", "robustDoc")) clusterEvalQ(cl, slave <- TRUE) clusterEvalQ(cl, source(file.path(robustDoc, 'simulation.init.R'))) registerDoParallel(cl) } else registerDoParallel() } } else registerDoSEQ() ## no not use parallel processing for (design in c("dd", ls(pattern = 'rand_\\d+_\\d+'))) { print(design) ## set design estlist$design <- get(design) estlist$use.intercept <- !grepl('^rand', design) ## add design.predict: pc estlist$design.predict <- if (is.null(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) f.prediction.points(estlist$design) else f.prediction.points(estlist$design, max.pc = 2) filename <- file.path(robustDta, sprintf('r.test.final.%s.Rdata',design)) if (!file.exists(filename)) { ## run print(system.time(r.test <- f.sim(estlist, silent = TRUE))) ## save save(r.test, file=filename) ## delete output rm(r.test) ## run garbage collection gc() } } } @ The variable \T{estlist} is a list containing all the necessary settings required to run the simulation as outlined above. Most of its elements are self-explanatory. <>= str(estlist, 1) @ \T{errs} is a list containing all the error distributions to be simulated. The entry for the standard normal looks as follows. <>= estlist$errs[[1]] @ \T{err} is translated internally to the corresponding random generation or quantile function, e.g., in this case \T{rnorm} or \T{qnorm}. \T{args} is a list containing all the required arguments to call the function. The errors are then generated internally with the following call. <>= set.seed(estlist$seed) errs <- c(sapply(1:nrep, function(x) do.call(fun, c(n = nobs, args)))) @ All required random numbers are generated at once instead of during the simulation. Like this, it is certain, that all the compared methods run on exactly the same data. The entry \T{procedures} follows a similar convention. \T{design.predict} contains the design used for the prediction of observations and calculation of confidence or prediction intervals. The objects returned by the procedures are processed by the functions contained in the \T{estlist\$output} list. <<>>= str(estlist$output[1:3], 2) @ The results are stored in a 4-dimensional array. The dimensions are: repetition number, type of value, procedure id, error id. Using \T{apply} it is very easy and fast to generate summary statistics. The raw results are stored on the hard disk, because typically it takes much longer to execute all the procedures than to calculate the summary statistics. The variables saved take up a lot of space quite quickly, so only the necessary data is stored. These are $\sigma$, $\bld\beta$ as well as the corresponding standard errors. To speed up the simulation routine \T{f.sim}, the simulations are carried out in parallel, as long as this is possible. This is accomplished with the help of the \T{R}-package \T{foreach}. This is most easily done on a machine with multiple processors or cores. The \T{multicore} package provides the methods to do so easily. The worker processes are just forked from the main \T{R} process. After all the methods have been simulated, the simulation output is processed. The code is quite lengthy and thus not displayed here (check the Sweave source file \T{lmrob\_simulation.Rnw}). The residuals, robustness weights, leverages and $\tau$ values have to be recalculated. Using vectorized operations and some specialized \T{C} code, this is quite cheap. The summary statistics generated are discussed in the next section. <>= if (!file.exists(aggrResultsFile)) { files <- list.files(robustDta, pattern = 'r.test.final\\.') res <- foreach(file = files) %dopar% { ## get design, load r.test, initialize other stuff design <- substr(basename(file), 14, nchar(basename(file)) - 6) cat(design, ' ') load(file.path(robustDta, file)) estlist <- attr(r.test, 'estlist') use.intercept <- if (!is.null(estlist$use.intercept)) estlist$use.intercept else TRUE sel <- dimnames(r.test)[[3]] ## [dimnames(r.test)[[3]] != "estname=lm"] n.betas <- paste('beta',1:(NCOL(estlist$design)+use.intercept),sep='_') ## get design lX <- if (use.intercept) as.matrix(cbind(1, get(design))) else as.matrix(get(design)) n <- NROW(lX) p <- NCOL(lX) ## prepare arrays for variable designs and leverages if (is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) { lXs <- array(NA, c(n, NCOL(lX), dim(r.test)[c(1, 4)]), list(Obs = NULL, Pred = colnames(lX), Data = NULL, Errstr = dimnames(r.test)[[4]])) } ## generate errors lerrs <- array(NA, c(n, dim(r.test)[c(1,4)]) , list(Obs = NULL, Data = NULL, Errstr = dimnames(r.test)[[4]])) for (i in 1:dim(lerrs)[3]) { lerrstr <- f.list2str(estlist$errs[[i]]) lerr <- f.errs(estlist, estlist$errs[[i]], gen = attr(estlist$design, 'gen'), nobs = n, npar = NCOL(lX)) lerrs[,,lerrstr] <- lerr if (!is.null(attr(lerr, 'designs'))) { ## retrieve generated designs: this returns a list of designs lXs[,,,i] <- unlist(attr(lerr, 'designs')) if (use.intercept) stop('intercept not implemented for random desings') } rm(lerr) } if (is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) { ## calculate leverages lXlevs <- apply(lXs, 3:4, .lmrob.hat) } ## calculate fitted values from betas if (!is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) { ## fixed design case lfitted <- apply(r.test[,n.betas,sel,,drop=FALSE],c(3:4), function(bhat) { lX %*% t(bhat) } ) } else { ## variable design case lfitted <- array(NA, n*prod(dim(r.test)[c(1,4)])*length(sel)) lfitted <- .C('R_calc_fitted', as.double(lXs), ## designs as.double(r.test[,n.betas,sel,,drop=FALSE]), ## betas as.double(lfitted), ## result as.integer(n), ## n as.integer(p), ## p as.integer(dim(r.test)[1]), ## nrep as.integer(length(sel)), ## n procstr as.integer(dim(r.test)[4]), ## n errstr DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="robustbase")[[3]] } tdim <- dim(lfitted) <- c(n, dim(r.test)[1], length(sel),dim(r.test)[4]) lfitted <- aperm(lfitted, c(1,2,4,3)) ## calculate residuals = y - fitted.values lfitted <- as.vector(lerrs) - as.vector(lfitted) dim(lfitted) <- tdim[c(1,2,4,3)] lfitted <- aperm(lfitted, c(1,2,4,3)) dimnames(lfitted) <- c(list(Obs = NULL), dimnames(r.test[,,sel,,drop=FALSE])[c(1,3,4)]) lresids <- lfitted rm(lfitted) ## calculate lm MSE and trim trimmed MSE of betas tf.MSE <- function(lbetas) { lnrm <- rowSums(lbetas^2) c(MSE=mean(lnrm,na.rm=TRUE),MSE.1=mean(lnrm,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)) } MSEs <- apply(r.test[,n.betas,,,drop=FALSE],3:4,tf.MSE) li <- 1 ## so we can reconstruct where we are lres <- apply(lresids,3:4,f.aggregate.results <- { function(lresid) { ## the counter li tells us, where we are ## we walk dimensions from left to right lcdn <- f.get.current.dimnames(li, dimnames(lresids), 3:4) lr <- r.test[,,lcdn[1],lcdn[2]] ## update counter li <<- li + 1 ## transpose and normalize residuals with sigma lresid <- t(lresid) / lr[,'sigma'] if (lcdn[1] != 'estname=lm') { ## convert procstr to proclst and get control list largs <- f.str2list(lcdn[1])[[1]]$args if (grepl('lm.robust', lcdn[1])) { lctrl <- list() lctrl$psi <- toupper(largs$weight2) lctrl$tuning.psi <- f.eff2c.psi(largs$efficiency, lctrl$psi) lctrl$method <- 'MM' } else { lctrl <- do.call('lmrob.control',largs) } ## calculate correction factors ## A lsp2 <- rowSums(Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi)^2) ## B lspp <- rowSums(lpp <- Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi,1)) ## calculate Huber\'s small sample correction factor lK <- 1 + rowSums((lpp - lspp/n)^2)*NCOL(lX)/lspp^2 ## 1/n cancels } else { lK <- lspp <- lsp2 <- NA } ## only calculate tau variants if possible if (grepl('args.method=\\w*(D|T)\\w*\\b', lcdn[1])) { ## SMD or SMDM ## calculate robustness weights lwgts <- Mwgt(lresid, lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi) ## function to calculate robustified leverages tfun <- if (is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) function(i) { if (all(is.na(wi <- lwgts[i,]))) wi else .lmrob.hat(lXs[,,i,lcdn[2]],wi) } else function(i) { if (all(is.na(wi <- lwgts[i,]))) wi else .lmrob.hat(lX, wi) } llev <- sapply(1:dim(r.test)[1], tfun) ## calculate unique leverages lt <- robustbase:::lmrob.tau(list(),h=llev,control=lctrl) ## normalize residuals with tau (transpose lresid) lresid <- t(lresid) / lt ## A lsp2t <- colSums(Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi)^2) ## B lsppt <- colSums(Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi,1)) } else { lsp2t <- lsppt <- NA } ## calculate raw scales based on the errors lproc <- f.str2list(lcdn[1])[[1]] q <- NA M <- NA if (lproc$estname == 'lmrob.mar' && lproc$args$type == 'qE') { ## for lmrob_mar, qE variant lctrl <- lmrob.control(psi = 'bisquare', tuning.chi=uniroot(function(c) robustbase:::lmrob.bp('bisquare', c) - (1-p/n)/2, c(1, 3))$root) se <- apply(lerrs[,,lcdn[2]],2,lmrob.mscale,control=lctrl,p=p) ltmp <- se/lr[,'sigma'] q <- median(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) M <- mad(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) } else if (!is.null(lproc$args$method) && lproc$args$method == 'SMD') { ## for D-scales se <- apply(lerrs[,,lcdn[2]],2,lmrob.dscale,control=lctrl, kappa=robustbase:::lmrob.kappa(control=lctrl)) ltmp <- se/lr[,'sigma'] q <- median(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) M <- mad(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) } ## calculate empirical correct test value (to yield 5% level) t.val_2 <- t.val_1 <- quantile(abs(lr[,'beta_1']/lr[,'se_1']), 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) if (p > 1) t.val_2 <- quantile(abs(lr[,'beta_2']/lr[,'se_2']), 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) ## return output: summary statistics: c(## gamma AdB2.1 = mean(lsp2/lspp^2,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)*n, K2AdB2.1 = mean(lK^2*lsp2/lspp^2,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)*n, AdB2t.1 = mean(lsp2t/lsppt^2,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)*n, sdAdB2.1 = sd.trim(lsp2/lspp^2*n,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdK2AdB2.1 = sd.trim(lK^2*lsp2/lspp^2*n,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdAdB2t.1 = sd.trim(lsp2t/lsppt^2*n,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), ## sigma medsigma = median(lr[,'sigma'],na.rm=TRUE), madsigma = mad(lr[,'sigma'],na.rm=TRUE), meansigma.1 = mean(lr[,'sigma'],trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdsigma.1 = sd.trim(lr[,'sigma'],trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), meanlogsigma = mean(log(lr[,'sigma']),na.rm=TRUE), meanlogsigma.1 = mean(log(lr[,'sigma']),trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdlogsigma = sd(log(lr[,'sigma']),na.rm=TRUE), sdlogsigma.1 = sd.trim(log(lr[,'sigma']),trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), q = q, M = M, ## beta efficiency.1 = MSEs['MSE.1','estname=lm',lcdn[2]] / MSEs['MSE.1',lcdn[1],lcdn[2]], ## t-value: level emplev_1 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']/lr[,'se_1']) > qt(0.975, n - p), na.rm = TRUE), emplev_2 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']/lr[,'se_2']) > qt(0.975, n - p), na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, ## t-value: power power_1_0.2 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.2)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.2 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.2)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_0.4 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.4)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.4 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.4)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_0.6 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.6)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.6 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.6)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_0.8 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.8)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.8 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.8)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_1 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-1)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_1 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-1)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, ## coverage probability: calculate empirically ## the evaluation points are constant, but the designs change ## therefore this makes only sense for fixed designs cpr_1 = mean(lr[,'upr_1'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_1'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_2 = mean(lr[,'upr_2'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_2'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_3 = mean(lr[,'upr_3'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_3'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_4 = mean(lr[,'upr_4'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_4'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_5 = if (any(colnames(lr) == 'upr_5')) { mean(lr[,'upr_5'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_5'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, cpr_6 = if (any(colnames(lr) == 'upr_6')) { mean(lr[,'upr_6'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_6'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, cpr_7 = if (any(colnames(lr) == 'upr_7')) { mean(lr[,'upr_7'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_7'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA ) }}) ## convert to data.frame lres <- f.a2df.2(lres, split = '___NO___') ## add additional info lres$n <- NROW(lX) lres$p <- NCOL(lX) lres$nmpdn <- with(lres, (n-p)/n) lres$Design <- design ## clean up rm(r.test, lXs, lXlevs, lresids, lerrs) gc() ## return lres lres } save(res, trim, file = aggrResultsFile) ## stop cluster if (exists("cl")) stopCluster(cl) } <>= load(aggrResultsFile) ## this will fail if the file is not found (for a reason) ## set eval to TRUE for chunks simulation-run and simulation-aggr ## if you really want to run the simulations again. ## (better fail with an error than run for weeks) ## combine list elements to data.frame test.1 <- do.call('rbind', res) test.1 <- within(test.1, { Method[Method == "SM"] <- "MM" Method <- Method[, drop = TRUE] Estimator <- interaction(Method, D.type, drop = TRUE) Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.S', 'MM') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'SMD.D', 'SMD') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'SMDM.D', 'SMDM') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.qT', 'MMqT') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.qE', 'MMqE') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.rob', 'MMrobust') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'lsq.lm', 'OLS') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM', 'sigma_S') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'MMrobust', 'sigma_robust') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'MMqE', 'sigma_S*qE') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'MMqT', 'sigma_S*qT') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'SMDM', 'sigma_D') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'SMD', 'sigma_D') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'OLS', 'sigma_OLS') Psi <- f.rename.level(Psi, 'hampel', 'Hampel') }) ## add interaction of Method and Cov test.1 <- within(test.1, { method.cov <- interaction(Estimator, Cov, drop=TRUE) levels(method.cov) <- sub('\\.+vcov\\.(a?)[wacrv1]*', '\\1', levels(method.cov)) method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMa", "MM.Avar1") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMrobust.Default", "MMrobust.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MM", "MM.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "SMD", "SMD.Wtau") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "SMDM", "SMDM.Wtau") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMqT", "MMqT.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMqE", "MMqE.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "OLS.Default", "OLS") ## ratio: the closest 'desired ratios' instead of exact p/n; ## needed in plots only for stat_*(): median over "close" p/n's: ratio <- ratios[apply(abs(as.matrix(1/ratios) %*% t(as.matrix(p / n)) - 1), 2, which.min)] }) ## calculate expected values of psi^2 and psi' test.1$Ep2 <- test.1$Epp <- NA for(Procstr in levels(test.1$Procstr)) { args <- f.str2list(Procstr)[[1]]$args if (is.null(args)) next lctrl <- do.call('lmrob.control',args) test.1$Ep2[test.1$Procstr == Procstr] <- robustbase:::lmrob.E(psi(r)^2, lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE) test.1$Epp[test.1$Procstr == Procstr] <- robustbase:::lmrob.E(psi(r,1), lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE) } ## drop some observations, separate fixed and random designs test.fixed <- droplevels(subset(test.1, n == 20)) ## n = 20 -- fixed design test.1 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, n != 20)) ## n !=20 -- random designs test.lm <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Function == 'lm')) # lm = OLS test.1 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Function != 'lm')) # Rob := all "robust" test.lm$Psi <- NULL test.lm.2 <- droplevels(subset(test.lm, Error == 'N(0,1)')) # OLS for N(*) test.2 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Error == 'N(0,1)' & Function != 'lm'))# Rob for N(*) ## subsets test.3 <- droplevels(subset(test.2, Method != 'SMDM'))# Rob, not SMDM for N(*) test.4 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Method != 'SMDM'))# Rob, not SMDM for all @ \section{Simulation Results} \subsection{Criteria} The simulated methods are compared using the following criteria. \textbf{Scale estimates.} The criteria for scale estimates are all calculated on the log-scale. The bias of the estimators is measured by the $\Sexpr{trim*100}\%$ trimmed mean. To recover a meaningful scale, the results are exponentiated before plotting. It is easy to see that this is equivalent to calculating geometric means. Since the methods are all tuned at the central model, ${\mathcal N}(0,1)$, a meaningful comparison of biases can only be made for ${\mathcal N}(0,1)$ distributed errors. The variability of the estimators, on the other hand, can be compared over all simulated error distributions. It is measured by the $\Sexpr{trim*100}\%$ trimmed standard deviation, rescaled by the square root of the number of observations. For completeness, the statistics used to compare scale estimates in \citet{maronna2009correcting} are also calculated. They are defined as \begin{equation} \label{eq:def.q.and.M} q = \median\left(\frac{S(\bld e)}{\hat\sigma_S}\right), \quad M = \mad\left(\frac{S(\bld e)}{\hat\sigma_S}\right), \end{equation} where $S(e)$ stands for the S-scale estimate evaluated for the actual errors $\bld e$. For the D-scale estimate, the definition is analogue. Since there is no design to correct for, we set $\tau_i = 1\ \forall i$. \textbf{Coefficients.} The efficiency of estimated regression coefficients $\bld{\hat\beta}$ is characterized by their mean squared error (\emph{MSE}). Since we simulate under $H_0: \bld\beta = 0$, this is determined by the covariance matrix of $\bld{\hat\beta}$. We use $\Erw\left[\norm{\bld{\hat\beta}}_2^2\right] = \sum_{j=1}^p \var(\hat\beta_j)$ as a summary. When comparing to the MSE of the ordinary least squares estimate (\emph{OLS}), this gives the efficiency, which, by the choice of tuning constants of $\psi$, should yield \begin{equation*} \frac{{\rm MSE}(\bld{\hat\beta}_{\rm OLS})}{{\rm MSE}(\bld{\hat\beta})} \approx 0.95 \end{equation*} for standard normally distributed errors. The simulation mean of $\sum_{j=1}^p \var(\hat\beta_j)$ is calculated with $\Sexpr{trim*100}\%$ trimming. For other error distributions, this ratio should be larger than $1$, since by using robust procedures we expect to gain efficiency at other error distributions (relative to the least squares estimate). $\bld\gamma$\textbf{.} We compare the behavior of the various estimators of $\gamma$ by calculating the trimmed mean and the trimmed standard deviation for standard normal distributed errors. \textbf{Covariance matrix estimate.} The covariance matrix estimates are compared indirectly over the performance of the resulting test statistics. We compare the empirical level of the hypothesis tests $H_0: \beta_j = 0$ for some $j \in \{1,\dots, p\}$. The power of the tests is compared by testing for $H_0: \beta_j = b$ for several values of $b>0$. The formal power of a more liberal test is generally higher. Therefore, in order for this comparison to be meaningful, the critical value for each test statistic was corrected such that all tests have the same simulated level of $5\%$. The simple hypothesis tests give only limited insights. To investigate the effects of other error distributions, e.g., asymmetric error distributions, we compare the confidence intervals for the prediction of some fixed points. Since it was not clear how to assess the quality prediction intervals, either at the central or the simulated model, we do not calculate them here. A small number of prediction points is already enough, if they are chosen properly. We chose to use seven points lying on the first two principal components, spaced evenly from the center of the design used to the extended range of the design. The principal components were calculated robustly (using \T{covMcd} of the \T{robustbase} package) and the range was extended by a fraction of $0.5$. An example is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:design-predict}. \subsection{Results} The results are given here as plots (Fig.~\ref{fig:meanscale-1} to Fig.~\ref{fig:cpr}). For a complete discussion of the results, we refer to \citet{KS2011}. The different $\psi$-functions are each plotted in a different facet, except for Fig.~\ref{fig:qscale-all}, Fig.~\ref{fig:Mscale-all} and Fig.~\ref{fig:lqq-level}, where the facets show the results for various error distributions. The plots are augmented with auxiliary lines to ease the comparison of the methods. The lines connect the median values over the values of $n$ for each simulated ratio $p/n$. In many plots the y-axis has been truncated. Points in the grey shaded area represent truncated values using a different scale. \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= ## ## exp(mean(log(sigma))): this looks almost identical to mean(sigma) print(ggplot(test.3, aes(p/n, exp(meanlogsigma.1), color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), # <- "rounded p/n": --> median over "neighborhood" fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + ylab(quote('geometric ' ~ mean(hat(sigma)))) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(test.3$Est.Scale))) @ \end{center} \caption{Mean of scale estimates for normal errors. The mean is calculated with $\Sexpr{trim*100}\%$ trimming. The lines connect the median values for each simulated ratio $p/n$. Results for random designs only. } \label{fig:meanscale-1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(test.3, aes(p/n, sdlogsigma.1*sqrt(n), color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + ylab(quote(sd(log(hat(sigma)))*sqrt(n))) + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + geom_point (data=test.lm.2, alpha=alpha.n, aes(color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(data=test.lm.2, aes(x=ratio, color = Est.Scale), fun = median, geom='line') + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels= lab(test.3 $Est.Scale, test.lm.2$Est.Scale))) @ \end{center} \caption{Variability of the scale estimates for normal errors. The standard deviation is calculated with $\Sexpr{trim*100}\%$ trimming. } \label{fig:sdscale-1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(test.4, aes(p/n, sdlogsigma.1*sqrt(n), color = Est.Scale)) + ylim(with(test.4, range(sdlogsigma.1*sqrt(n)))) + ylab(quote(sd(log(hat(sigma)))*sqrt(n))) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + geom_point (data=test.lm, aes(color = Est.Scale), alpha=alpha.n, na.rm = TRUE) + ##-> na.rm=T: avoid Warning: Removed 108 rows containing missing values (geom_point). stat_summary(data=test.lm, aes(x = ratio, color = Est.Scale), fun = median, geom='line', na.rm = TRUE) + ##-> na.rm=T: avoid Warning: Removed 108 rows containing non-finite values (stat_summary). g.scale_shape(labels=lab(test.4$Error)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(test.4 $Est.Scale, test.lm$Est.Scale))) @ \end{center} \caption{Variability of the scale estimates for all simulated error distributions.} \label{fig:sdscale-all} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= t3est2 <- droplevels(subset(test.3, Estimator %in% c("SMD", "MMqE"))) print(ggplot(t3est2, aes(p/n, q, color = Est.Scale)) + ylab(quote(q)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(t3est2$Est.Scale))) @ \end{center} \caption{$q$ statistic for normal errors. $q$ is defined in \eqref{eq:def.q.and.M}.} \label{fig:qscale-1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(t3est2, aes(p/n, M/q, color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + ylab(quote(M/q)) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(t3est2$Est.Scale))) @ \end{center} \caption{$M/q$ statistic for normal errors. $M$ and $q$ are defined in \eqref{eq:def.q.and.M}.} \label{fig:Mscale-1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= t1.bi <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Estimator %in% c("SMD", "MMqE") & Psi == 'bisquare')) print(ggplot(t1.bi, aes(p/n, q, color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + facet_wrap(~ Error) + ## labeller missing! ylab(quote(q)) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(tmp$Est.Scale)), legend.mod = legend.mod) @ \end{center} \caption{$q$ statistic for \emph{bisquare} $\psi$. } \label{fig:qscale-all} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(t1.bi, aes(p/n, M/q, color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + facet_wrap(~ Error) + ylab(quote(M/q)) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(tmp$Est.Scale)), legend.mod = legend.mod) @ \end{center} \caption{$M/q$ statistic for \emph{bisquare} $\psi$. } \label{fig:Mscale-all} \end{figure} \clearpage% not nice, but needed against LaTeX Error: Too many unprocessed floats. \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(test.2, aes(p/n, efficiency.1, color = Estimator)) + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + ylab(quote('efficiency of' ~~ hat(beta))) + g.scale_shape(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels = lab(test.2$Estimator))) @ \end{center} \caption{Efficiency for normal errors. The efficiency is calculated by comparing to an OLS estimate and averaging with $\Sexpr{trim*100}\%$ trimming. } \label{fig:efficiency} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= t.1xt1 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Error != 't1')) print(ggplot(t.1xt1, aes(p/n, efficiency.1, color = Estimator)) + ylab(quote('efficiency of '~hat(beta))) + geom_point(aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + g.scale_shape(values=c(16,17,15,3,7,8,9,1,2,4)[-4], labels=lab(t.1xt1$Error)) + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels = lab(t.1xt1$Estimator))) @ \end{center} \caption{Efficiency for all simulated error distributions except $t_1$. } \label{fig:efficiency-all} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= t.2o. <- droplevels(subset(test.2, !is.na(AdB2t.1))) print(ggplot(t.2o., aes(p/n, AdB2.1/(1-p/n), color = Estimator)) + geom_point(aes(shape=factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=K2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=AdB2t.1), alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=K2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), fun = median, geom='line', linetype=2) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=AdB2t.1), fun = median, geom='line', linetype=3) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/0.95) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels = lab(t.2o.$Estimator)) + ylab(quote(mean(hat(gamma)))) + facet_wrap(~ Psi)) @ \end{center} \caption{Comparing the estimates of $\gamma$. The solid line connects the uncorrected estimate, dotted the $\tau$ corrected estimate and dashed Huber's small sample correction. } \label{fig:AdB2-1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= t.2ok <- droplevels(subset(test.2, !is.na(sdAdB2t.1))) print(ggplot(t.2ok, aes(p/n, sdAdB2.1/(1-p/n), color = Estimator)) + geom_point(aes(shape=factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=sdK2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=sdAdB2t.1), alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=sdK2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), fun = median, geom='line', linetype= 2) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=sdAdB2t.1), fun = median, geom='line', linetype= 3) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels=lab(t.2ok$Estimator)) + ylab(quote(sd(hat(gamma)))) + facet_wrap(~ Psi)) @ \end{center} \caption{Comparing the estimates of $\gamma$. The solid line connects the uncorrected estimate, dotted the $\tau$ corrected estimate and dashed Huber's small sample correction. } \label{fig:sdAdB2-1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= t.2en0 <- droplevels(subset(test.2, emplev_1 != 0)) print(ggplot(t.2en0, aes(p/n, f.truncate(emplev_1), color = method.cov)) + g.truncate.line + g.truncate.area + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels=lab(t.2en0$method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical level "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0) )) + facet_wrap(~ Psi)) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical levels of test $H_0: \beta_1 = 0$ for normal errors. The y-values are truncated at $\Sexpr{trunc[1]}$ and $\Sexpr{trunc[2]}$. } \label{fig:emp-level} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= tmp <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Psi == 'lqq' & emplev_1 != 0)) print(ggplot(tmp, aes(p/n, f.truncate(emplev_1), color = method.cov)) + g.truncate.line + g.truncate.area + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + g.scale_shape(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels=lab(tmp$method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical level "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0) )) + facet_wrap(~ Error) , legend.mod = legend.mod ) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical levels of test $H_0: \beta_1 = 0$ for \emph{lqq} $\psi$-function and different error distributions. } \label{fig:lqq-level} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= t2.25 <- droplevels(subset(test.2, n == 25))# <-- fixed n ==> no need for 'ratio' tL2.25 <- droplevels(subset(test.lm.2, n == 25)) scale_col_D2.25 <- scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator (Cov. Est.)", labels=lab(t2.25 $method.cov, tL2.25$method.cov)) print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.2, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.2) )) + geom_point(# aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + ## g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical power of test $H_0: \beta_1 = 0.2$ for different $\psi$-functions. Results for $n = 25$ and normal errors only. } \label{fig:power-1-0_2} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.4, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.4) )) + geom_point(alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + ## g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical power of test $H_0: \beta_1 = 0.4$ for different $\psi$-functions. Results for $n = 25$ and normal errors only. } \label{fig:power-1-0_4} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.6, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.6) )) + geom_point(# aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical power of test $H_0: \beta_1 = 0.6$ for different $\psi$-functions. Results for $n = 25$ and normal errors only. } \label{fig:power-1-0_6} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.8, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.8) )) + geom_point(alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical power of test $H_0: \beta_1 = 0.8$ for different $\psi$-functions. Results for $n = 25$ and normal errors only. } \label{fig:power-1-0_8} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_1, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 1) )) + geom_point(alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + ## g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical power of test $H_0: \beta_1 = 1$ for different $\psi$-functions. Results for $n = 25$ and normal errors only. } \label{fig:power-1-1} \end{figure} %\clearpage \begin{figure} \begin{center} %% now (2016-11 GGally) works --- but fails with new 2018-05 ggplot2: <>= pp <- f.prediction.points(dd)[1:7,] ## Worked in older ggplot2 -- now plotmatrix() is gone, to be replaced by GGally::ggpairs): ## tmp <- plotmatrix(pp)$data ## tmp$label <- as.character(1:7) ## print(plotmatrix(dd) + geom_text(data=tmp, color = 2, aes(label=label), size = 2.5)) if(FALSE) { tmp <- ggpairs(pp)$data tmp$label <- as.character(1:7) # and now? } ## ggpairs() + geom_text() does *NOT* work {ggpairs has own class} ## print(ggpairs(dd) + geom_text(data=tmp, color = 2, aes(label=label), size = 2.5)) try( ## fails with old GGally and new packageVersion("ggplot2") >= "" print( ggpairs(dd) )## now (2016-11) fine ) @ \end{center} \caption{Prediction points for fixed design. The black points are the points of the original design. The red digits indicate the numbers and locations of the points where predictions are taken.} \label{fig:design-predict} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <>= n.cprs <- names(test.fixed)[grep('cpr', names(test.fixed))] # test.fixed: n=20 => no 'x=ratio' test.5 <- melt(test.fixed[,c('method.cov', 'Error', 'Psi', n.cprs)]) test.5 <- within(test.5, { Point <- as.numeric(do.call('rbind', strsplit(levels(variable), '_'))[,2])[variable] }) print(ggplot(test.5, aes(Point, f.truncate(value), color = method.cov)) + geom_point(aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + g.truncate.line + g.truncate.area + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + g.scale_shape(labels=lab(test.5$Error)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator (Cov. Est.)", labels=lab(test.5$method.cov)) + ylab("empirical level of confidence intervals") + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) @ \end{center} \caption{Empirical coverage probabilities. Results for fixed design. The y-values are truncated at $\Sexpr{trunc[2]}$. } \label{fig:cpr} \end{figure} \clearpage \section{Maximum Asymptotic Bias} \label{sec:maximum-asymptotic-bias} The slower redescending $\psi$-functions come with higher asymptotic bias as illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:max-asymptotic-bias}. We calculate the asymptotic bias as in \citet{berrendero2007maximum}. <>= ## Henning (1994) eq 33: g <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) rho <- function(x) Mchi(x, lctrl$tuning.chi, lctrl$psi, deriv = 0) integrate(function(x) rho(((1 + theta^2)/s^2*x)^2)*dchisq(x, 1, mu^2/(1 + theta^2)), -Inf, Inf)$value }) ## Martin et al 1989 Section 3.2: for mu = 0 g.2 <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) lctrl$tuning.psi <- lctrl$tuning.chi robustbase:::lmrob.E(chi(sqrt(1 + theta^2)/s*r), lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE)}) g.2.MM <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) robustbase:::lmrob.E(chi(sqrt(1 + theta^2)/s*r), lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE)}) ## Henning (1994) eq 30, one parameter case g.3 <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) rho <- function(x) Mchi(x, lctrl$tuning.chi, lctrl$psi, deriv = 0) int.x <- Vectorize(function(y) { integrate(function(x) rho((y - x*theta - mu)/s)*dnorm(x)*dnorm(y),-Inf, Inf)$value }) integrate(int.x,-Inf, Inf)$value }) inv.g1 <- function(value, theta, mu, ...) { g <- if (mu == 0) g.2 else g.3 uniroot(function(s) g(s, theta, mu, ...) - value, c(0.1, 100))$root } inv.g1.MM <- function(value, theta, mu, ...) { g <- if (mu == 0) g.2.MM else g.3.MM ret <- tryCatch(uniroot(function(s) g(s, theta, mu, ...) - value, c(0.01, 100)), error = function(e)e) if (inherits(ret, 'error')) { warning('inv.g1.MM: ', value, ' ', theta, ' ', mu,' -> Error: ', ret$message) NA } else { ret$root } } s.min <- function(epsilon, ...) inv.g1(0.5/(1 - epsilon), 0, 0, ...) s.max <- function(epsilon, ...) inv.g1((0.5-epsilon)/(1-epsilon), 0, 0, ...) BS <- Vectorize(function(epsilon, ...) { sqrt(s.max(epsilon, ...)/s.min(epsilon, ...)^2 - 1) }) l <- Vectorize(function(epsilon, ...) { sigma_be <- s.max(epsilon, ...) sqrt((sigma_be/inv.g1.MM(g.2.MM(sigma_be,0,0,...) + epsilon/(1-epsilon),0,0,...))^2 - 1) }) u <- Vectorize(function(epsilon, ...) { gamma_be <- s.min(epsilon, ...) max(l(epsilon, ...), sqrt((gamma_be/inv.g1.MM(g.2.MM(gamma_be,0,0,...) + epsilon/(1-epsilon),0,0,...))^2 - 1)) }) @ \begin{figure}[h!] \begin{center} <>= asymptMBFile <- file.path(robustDta, 'asymptotic.max.bias.Rdata') if (!file.exists(asymptMBFile)) { x <- seq(0, 0.35, length.out = 100) rmb <- rbind(data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'hampel'), u=u(x, psi = 'hampel'), psi = 'Hampel'), data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'lqq'), u=u(x, psi = 'lqq'), psi = 'lqq'), data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'bisquare'), u=u(x, psi = 'bisquare'), psi = 'bisquare'), data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'optimal'), u=u(x, psi = 'optimal'), psi = 'optimal')) rmb$x <- x save(rmb, file=asymptMBFile) } else load(asymptMBFile) <>= print(ggplot(rmb, aes(x, l, color=psi)) + geom_line() + geom_line(aes(x, u, color=psi), linetype = 2) + xlab(quote("amount of contamination" ~~ epsilon)) + ylab("maximum asymptotic bias bounds") + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,10)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = 1:10) + scale_colour_hue(quote(psi ~ '-function'))) @ \end{center} \caption{Maximum asymptotic bias bound for the $\psi$-functions used in the simulation. Solid line: lower bound. Dashed line: upper bound.} \label{fig:max-asymptotic-bias} \end{figure} \bibliographystyle{chicago} \bibliography{robustbase} \end{document}