2024-08-19 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-5 * * src/R_meal.h - Fixed: warning: using namespace std * man/R.meal.cpp - Added #define STRICT_R_HEADERS 1 to fix a problem * with the deprecated macro Free() * 2024-08-09 Prof. Ripley * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-4-1 * * DESCRIPTION: Added Authors@R field * src/L1Median_VardiZhang.cpp - Added #define STRICT_R_HEADERS 1 to fix a problem * with the deprecated macro Free() * see mail of Prof. Ripley from 09.08.2024 * 2023-09-24 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-4 * * DESCRIPTION: Dependence on R (>= 3.6.2) added - see Writing R Extensions, * 6.6.1 Fortran character strings, about USE_FC_LEN_T * src/R_meal.cpp - Fixed: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) * see mail of Kurt Hornik from 28.11.2023 * man/*.Rd - fixed a number of issues with /itemize and /enumerate * 2022-10-24 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-3 * * src/pcaPP_init.c, PCAgrid.cpp: Fixed warning: invalid UTF-8 in comment * see mail of K. Hornik from 17.10.2022 * 2022-07-08 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-2 * * DESCRIPTION: added URL and BugReports entries (GitHub repository created) * Readme.md added * man/cor.fk.Rd - Fix "cor.fk.Rd:6: Escaped LaTeX specials: \^ " * 2022-04-25 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-1 * * src/R_meal.cpp - Fix for USE_FC_LEN_T becoming the default in 4.2.0 * src/R_meal_BLAS.cpp - -"- * R/plotcov.R, NAMESPASE, DESCRIPTION - wrong comparison of class() to a character string, * use is() instead; add is() to the imports in NAMESPACE and * add methods to the imports in DESCRIPTION * 2021-04-22 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.9-74 * * man/l1median_nlm.rd - fixed URLs 2017-01-04 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.9-73 * * src/hess.cpp - fix warning of the type -Wmismatched-new-delete * (allocated array, deleted as single element). See mail of Prof. Ripley from 28.Nobember 2017 * 2017-06-27 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.9-72 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.9-71 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.9-70 * * test/tpcapp.R - added * src/smat.base.h - fix to compile on gcc-7: lines 737-741 * C functions registered (warning "Found no calls to: ‘R_registerRoutines’, * ‘R_useDynamicSymbols’" fixed) * 2016-10-10 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.9-61 * * R/PCdiagplot.R - remove a require(graphics) * * src/pcaPP.cpp - fix warning - uninitialized variable * * NAMESPASE - add importFrom() for functions in "grDevices", "graphics", "stats" and "utils". * * src/R_meal.h: fix a problem on Solaris by adding ** using namespace std; * - however, I cannot test if this is sufficient * 2014-10-20 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.9-60 * 2014-10-20 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-3 * DESCRIPTION (Depends): removed, no more dependances replaced by Imports * * NAMESPACE: added 'importFrom(mvtnorm, rmvnorm)' * * * The package was ORPHANED. The CRAN team fixed the * location of the vignette according to R 3.1 * Version 1.9-50, 19.9.2014 *